I'm pretty boring, but here's the nitty gritty about me...

The summary: my name is Lauren, and I am a daughter, sister, wife, mom, and crazy cookie shop lady.

The backstory: I grew up in San Antonio, TX and met my now-husband in Clovis, CA while visiting my childhood best friend for her birthday party. It was an instant connection and I somehow suckered, I mean convinced this guy to move to Texas.

At the time I was attending Texas A&M University (gig 'em!) pursuing my Bachelor's in Radiological Health Engineering. It's basically Nuclear Engineering with an emphasis on the health and safety side. It fed my nerd brain big time.

Fast forward a couple years, a couple towns, and a couple kids and we found ourselves in the Texas Hill Country loving life. I was fulfilling my lifelong dream of being a stay-at-home mom and was craving a creative outlet.

I, like many of us cookiers, found myself obsessed with cookie decorating videos on Instagram and Youtube. I always thought "I would love to do this" and when a family friend needed basketball cookies on short notice, I jumped right in.

Not too far into my cookie journey I kept finding myself searching for the perfect cookie cutters time and time again, and would end up hand-cutting almost every order. Can you feel the hand cramps? I knew this couldn't be sustainable, so I decided to put my degree to use and 3D model some cookie cutters. Success!

Pretty soon, word got around that I was able to make cutters for other local bakers. They looooved the rounded and labelled handles the sturdy walls, and the sharp cutting edges. The hallmarks of any quality cutter, am I right?

After some serious nudging, they really helped me to realize that I was provided a great service and product to bakers needing cute cutters, and fast! Eventually, I became the cookie lady, the cutter lady, the bag lady, and the backer lady. And I wear that flour-dusted badge proudly.

I now have a standalone shop (as well as an Etsy shop) that I strive to make a one-stop-shop for cookiers like myself... just looking for cute cutters, last minute supplies, and adorable packaging options. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without the love and incredible encouragement of my family - and for my youngest sacrificing his old room for me to work out of.

Whether you're looking for something very specific and unique, or you just need help replicating some of the colors you see in my cookie photos, please don't hesitate to message me! All I ask in return is that you keep the cookier community a welcoming, helpful, and uplifting place for all levels from newbies to professionals.

The cookie community is unlike anything I've ever been a part of and I just love this sense of teamwork we all share, rather than focusing on competition. I wish every industry behaved this way!

Have a look a round, send me your custom requests/ideas, and lets make some cookies!

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